I remember trying to be cool, when all that pressure from the previous school year's annuals where kids signed, "Stay Cool," became more of a chore than a compliment. Middle school is the epoch of this time. I persuaded my grandmother to buy me Puff Daddy and the Family's "No Way Out" CD. I soon discovered it to be edited because we bought it at Walmart, which caused me to miss Busta Rhymes part completely in one song. Rap - cursing = not cool. I was still cool though, or trying, when I convinced my mom to get me a Tommy Hilfiger Logo Tee, the kind where the giant logo covers the entire abdomen and lower chest. When I got home, I put it on and as the shirt dropped past my knees, I realized that maybe this was not me, this was not my cultural fashion. My cultural garb was to be defined by Duck Head shorts and anything from The Gap. Despite my efforts to be desirable, none of the hot girls I liked liked me back. The problem lay in my image as a goody-good, and the bad boys smoking pot on the Double Churches playground after school were much more attractive than a guy destined for a medal in the Science Olympics.
It is such a struggle to be cool. How much money have I wasted on the idea? When my bride-to-be and I visited DC and
Because cool doesn't matter. It is a state of mind. No matter what group of people you are surrounded by, they all have a standard of cool. Magic players may believe that your knowledge of Mana makes you the coolest Ajani Goldsmane in the Shadowmoor. Muscles and athletic ability be damned, tell them about your epic battles in Lorwyn. I may have no idea what that means, but you, the reader, might. And so it goes.
Current standards of cool may look like this:
1. iPhone - What, you don't own one?
2. Obama supporter - He has an iPhone, duh.
3. Hair product - Doubles as self-defense if spiked.
4. Hybrid - Oh, those environmentally-conscious bastards. More on this later.
Notice I did not put blogging on the list for obvious reasons.
It is too much hard work and too much money to be cool. When I was out west this summer touring the Grand Tetons and
10 years ago
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